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Sirius K9s offers a different style of dog walking with structured yet fun and tiring

walks & longer ‘expawditions’ suited to all types of dogs,

enabling safe socialisation on rural walks in the local countryside in and around

Shropshire/Staffordshire and the local area.

We understand the importance of dogs being mentally and physically stimulated

 ensuring they are happy and fulfilled. Our rural walks & ‘expawditions’ allow your dogs to enjoy some stimulating sniffing, controlled play with friends and even some basic training to get their brain engaged and increase the bond with their walker.

All our walks are in rural locations, you can always see your pups enjoying their adventures via our updates and GPS tracking via our Client Portal.

No matter the weather we love to get out into nature and enjoy the beautiful Staffordshire/Shropshire countryside with our four-legged friends!

Contact us now to arrange a FREE “meet & greet” visit to discuss your individual requirements.



9am to 5pm DAILY
Use "contact us" page to get in touch!
Qualified / Experienced

Fully licensed & insured

DBS Checked
K9 First Aid Qualified
C O N T A C T   U S :

T e l :  0 7 7 1 1  3 9 1   9 3 1 

C l a i r @ S i r i u s  K 9 s . c o m 


Offering a full range of services to suit every pet,

owner and schedule, Sirius K9s really is a friendly yet professional and reliable business.

Whether you have a young puppy needing socialisation, an older dog looking for company during the working day or a more boisterous hound needing to let off steam;


Sirius K9s has the expertise and a friendly

walker for you and your pet.

S E R V I C E   A R E A
ST16, ST18 (West of M6), ST19, ST20, ST21
TF1, TF2, TF6, TF9, TF10, TF11
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